Overcome Procrastination Step by Step

Overcome Procrastination Step by Step

‘Tis the season to gather our W2s, fire up the calculator, sharpen our pencils, and prepare our taxes. This late winter ritual comes back around year after year, yet I always feel tempted to procrastinate and put off this dreaded task. Our taxes aren’t all that...
Stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse?

Stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse?

I’ve been on a pantry kick lately—tackling a number of client pantries around the Triangle. Truly, this is one of my favorite spaces to organize. It’s a contained space, can be transformed in just a day, and there are some fabulous tools that aren’t crazy expensive...
Control Cord Clutter for Good!

Control Cord Clutter for Good!

Do you have a box/drawer/cabinet/bin/closet that looks like this picture? If you live in the United States and use any kind of technology, there’s a really good chance you do. While you may, on occasion, untangle one of those cords or cables and put it to good use,...