I cannot thank you enough. It was so nice to meet and talk with you and you gave WONDERFUL advice and help. It has provided me with a level of comfort that I didn’t have before. In fact, I didn’t have much of a comfort level, having to try to search out so much on my own. You provide an excellent service. There are no words strong enough to show my appreciation. I’ll sure say again, thank you.
I can’t believe that you took the time to give me this very thorough list of what I need right before going out of town. Thank you for doing it. And the list is so wonderfully detailed, down to showing me the bookends and not having me hunt and peck to find them on the site. That is so thoughtful in that it saves me a lot of time. Maybe a small detail, but not for me. My life is filled with a myriad of details right now, so every single thing helps.
I also know I can call you if I need to. That is so much comfort also.
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t think of you and this morning I decided to take a minute and tell you just that.
When I first reached out to you, I questioned my logic in contracting someone to help me with organizing my home. I can say now, unequivocally, that our time together was one of the best investments I made this year.
Working alongside you, order, peace and purpose has been brought to so many areas of our home. Months later, I still get a gut reaction of appreciation and calm when I look into a drawer, closet or even a room that we worked on. I am wearing jewelry that I had not used in a long time – because I can see and consider it now. The same can be said for kitchen items, office etc.
Thank you Perri for sharing your gift and I hope to continue our partnership as I continue to tame any chaos we can, here within our four walls at least!

Over a year after moving into a new house, I had to concede defeat – many boxes remained untouched, shoved into various corners and closets. My husband and I both work full time, and have two small children as well as eldercare responsibilities. After helping to remove decades of clutter from the home of an elderly family member, we were motivated to reduce what had accumulated in our own home. Even so, it was clear our living situation was unlikely to change without some help.That’s where Perri came in. Our appointments with her forced us to set aside time during the week, when no children were home, to organize a few key areas in need of immediate attention, primarily the kitchen, family room and carport. The end result of these sessions has been incredibly gratifying – not only is our home more pleasant to live in, but we can find the things we need and actually use them.
Alphabetizing our spices and reorganizing the pantry helped me know what was in all those cabinets and keeps me from making duplicate grocery purchases. Organizing and reducing the number of toys in the house made it possible for our kids to play with their toys more, since they can now easily find the toys that remain. After putting up shelves and reducing the number of items dumped in the carport, we can go back to parking our cars there.
Since attempts to work with my husband to reduce his clutter often became contentious, Perri became our Switzerland and worked with my husband herself. The outcome was a little less stuff and more marital harmony. Although we could have easily spent several sessions with Perri in every room of our house, that’s not a realistic option for us. Fortunately, our sessions with Perri helped us establish a framework for tackling clutter and managing other organization projects on our own.
I admit I once wondered how personal organization could be a profession, until I realized I needed a personal organizer in my life. I can’t say enough good things about Perri and how she has made our home a place in which we truly enjoy living and entertaining.

Perri Kersh and Mary Beth Grealey were life-savers as the date of our downstairs renovation loomed ever closer in May of 2014. Almost 1000 square feet (3 rooms, a bathroom and deep crawl space closets) had been virtually untouched for more than 25 years when Neat Freak came into my life. Our architect, Sophie Piesse, had gently, and then more insistently, suggested that before we could begin renovating our downstairs, we needed to demolish and clear out everything in those rooms and closets. The thought was overwhelming; any sense of how to approach the “demolition chore from hell” absolutely absent from my mind. After all, I worked full-time; I had a husband who worked way more than full-time, when he wasn’t traveling, and both bedrooms were filled with 25 years of my sons’ belongings, although “the boys” were long, long gone from the house. I knew, however, that these men in my life, though having little to no time to help me with the purging and throwing out tasks, would have precious objects that they simply could not bear to part with. What to do, how to cope?Sophie said, “Call Perri now. You’ll see. She will help you deal with it. It will all be better once you talk to Neat Freak”. And so it was. Working together, Perri, Mary Beth and I threw out tons of stuff, boxed up tons of books for giving away, arranged for TROSA to come for the furniture we no longer wanted, advised me on, AND ARRANGED for it to happen, what could be recycled, what given away, what should go to the dump, to an auction house, to friends. And then she and Mary Beth actually loaded their SUVs with 25 years of “precious junk” from my basement and took it to the various places: recycling, the dump, the Scrap Exchange, the PTA. They were so knowledgeable about charities that needed or wanted or could use many of our old things, and so comforting and reassuring about sorting those “gems” from the “trash”; they convinced me, with their soothing manner and light-hearted senses of humor, that I would really feel MUCH BETTER about if I got rid of much of “my precious”. They did the dirty work (that closet under the stairs had dust and crickets and who knows what else from 25 years ago in it); they did the sorting work, all the time reassuring me that I would be okay, that I could save what I wished but “wouldn’t it be nice to have all this space cleaned out and look and feel great after so many years of being ignored”. They were easy to work with, very professional, super knowledgeable, psychologically supportive and not afraid to get their hands dirty. As one of their other clients wrote, “Their philosophy fit my values”.
And, once they’d finished with my basement, they “took over” more than half a century’s worth of photo albums, more than 50 of them, some ancient and precious, most not, many duplicates saved by the two sons, and arranged for the pictures to be archived in a chronological manger, digitized and put on flash drives, the photo albums given or thrown away, the photos now immediately accessible on my computer (with flash drives for each of the boys). This was a major undertaking; a huge number of pictures organized and available in a way they never would have been had not Perri and Mary Beth, and Neat Freak, come into our lives. Obviously I can’t sing their praises more highly, nor recommend them for any organizing task more strongly.

My kitchen was so unorganized and packed with tons of items I’d had for years that were not used regularly and just took up space. Desperate for help, I found Neat Freak on the internet. I loved the website and the fact that it was not packed with lots of useless pictures. The philosophy fit my personal values and just made sense. I found the initial consultation to be cleansing and solution based. Perri went away with all my problems and devised a plan to help me gain control of my kitchen. She told me exactly what to buy and she helped me do the work. It’s that simple! Not everyone is blessed with the organizing gene. Admitting that I needed help was the first step to peace of mind.
Dear Perri, I wanted to take a moment and put in writing how genuinely life-changing and transformational it was to work with you. Ever since the birth of my son two years ago, I had been feeling so trapped in what I called the Bermuda Triangle of chaos, with my mind (my home office), my body (my kitchen), and my soul (my bedroom and closet) in such a state of disarray that I felt I simply could not pursue anything of value or joy for me because of all these home projects hanging over my head. Even more stressful was the fact that I had a reputation professionally for being highly organized, but yet these vital areas of my home had become totally dysfunctional, which added an element of secrecy and shame of not wanting friends and family to know how bad it had gotten. I had literally tried almost every weekend for a year to make progress on any of these areas, but for the first time in my life felt too overwhelmed to even take a first step, until I realized that first step could be asking someone for help.I believe certain people are put in our lives at just the right time when we need it most, and choosing you to be the one to help me through this major life hurdle was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only did you work at lightening speed to produce results that will be so clearly sustainable, but the energy you bring toward simplifying your life, caring for your possessions as well as the world around you, the complete absence of any judgment, and the support I felt from you toward reaching my goals had effects on me far beyond the now beautiful spaces in my home. As a result of your work in my home office I have now completely restructured my job to free-up more time to spend with my family. As a result of your work in my kitchen I have now started cooking with whole, fresh foods and preparing regular meals for my family for the first time in my life. And having a spotless, functional closet has reduced the money I spend on clothes down to nothing at the present time, but even more importantly I feel so much better about myself when I can dress myself in clothes coming from a clean and ordered space.
If someone has never experienced being truly stuck, they may think it is far-reaching to attribute a life transformation to having an organized home, but for those who have ever even considered all the other things they could be doing instead of alphabetizing spices I would unequivocally recommend utilizing your outstanding services. I know for me you have played a pivotal role in starting a new chapter in my life, and I am so deeply grateful. Hopefully the evidence of my brand new label maker sitting right by my laptop will convince any doubters that you can convert anyone to an organizational powerhouse. It would be an honor for me to serve as a reference for anyone interested in learning more about you.