Stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse?

Stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse?

I’ve been on a pantry kick lately—tackling a number of client pantries around the Triangle. Truly, this is one of my favorite spaces to organize. It’s a contained space, can be transformed in just a day, and there are some fabulous tools that aren’t crazy expensive...
Control Cord Clutter for Good!

Control Cord Clutter for Good!

Do you have a box/drawer/cabinet/bin/closet that looks like this picture? If you live in the United States and use any kind of technology, there’s a really good chance you do. While you may, on occasion, untangle one of those cords or cables and put it to good use,...
The things we treasure most

The things we treasure most

Watching non-stop hurricane and wildfire coverage for the last several weeks, it’s hard not to ride a roller coaster of emotions–excruciating loss and grief, and hope and healing when we see how we care for each other. Over and over again, watching people wade...
Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

I’m 47 years old, and I’m taking swim lessons. And no, I don’t mean that I’m taking a Masters Class or perfecting my free style for speed. I’m literally starting in the shallow end and learning to blow bubbles. It’s not that I can’t swim at all. If you threw me in the...