by Perri Kersh | Apr 16, 2012 | Neat Freak Professional Organizing, new organizer | Organizing
Neat Freak is expanding! Mary Beth Grealey, a good friend, amazing project manager, self-proclaimed nerd, and all around great gal has joined the Neat Freak team and is now working with clients throughout the Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Durham/Chatham area. Mary Beth has...
by Perri Kersh | Dec 14, 2011 | Attic, Attic Maxx, Attic Organization, AtticMaxx, Container Store, Get Organized, Neat Freak, Neat Freak Professional Organizing, New Years Resolution, Organize A to Z, Shelving, Storage | Organizing
Getting organized tops New Year’s Resolution lists each year. But why wait until January to get started? There’s never a better time than right now to get organized. Here are strategies you can use to get a jump start on your organizational resolutions so 2012 can be...
by Perri Kersh | Dec 17, 2010 | Liz Lemon Christmas Attack Zone, Neat Freak Professional Organizing, Simple Christmas, Simple is as Simple Does | Organizing
Truth be told, I’m not a big fan of Forrest Gump and can’t believe I’m quoting him in a blog post. Yet the title seems fitting so I’ll roll with it. Just the other day I received an email from a favorite client asking the following:...
by Perri Kersh | Nov 23, 2010 | alternative giving, Giving Party, Metrozing, Neat Freak Professional Organizing | Organizing
I’m guest blogging over at my friend Metrozing’s site today. You can read about my favorite way to jumpstart the holidays by giving or attending a Giving Party! Want to simplify your holidays? Consider getting more by giving less stuff (and give to those...