Child's lettersYou can’t pick up a magazine or newspaper in January without seeing some article about getting organized…doing it In 10 Simple Steps or In 30 Days or In Just 10 Minutes a Day! Organization, like any other goal, might be popular to strive for in a new year, but truthfully, it takes a lifetime to keep it going. And while everyone likes a to-do list to tell them how to reach a goal, I find that organization is more of an attitude based on the following ABCs:


Many times, people accumulate too much stuff because of a scarcity mentality. Whether it’s conscious or not, we may fear we’ll run out of something, or never quite have enough, so we overbuy, overstock, and over consume. Having an attitude of abundance can help overcome this desire to have too much. Rather than thinking “I might need this one day,” think “I will always have enough.” Instead of saying “more is always better,” consider that “less really can be more.” Having an attitude of abundance can help you reduce the amount of stuff you accumulate, and can free up space for things that really matter to you.


Figure out what is organized enough for you. I talk about this a lot with my clients—not everyone needs a home that is ready for a magazine photo shoot! In fact, I recently had a photo shoot in my own home and realized I have my own pockets of clutter (just ask my friends)! While I had a minute of feeling like a fraud, I quickly realized that I know what needs to stay organized and what can slide and still allow us to function as a family. Figuring out that balance for yourself is an important part of getting and staying organized.


No…you should not organize constantly! Go for a hike, play with your kids, see your friends. But it is important to recognize that maintaining organization is important and you will have to keep at it for the long haul. As you clear away clutter, build in time to circle back, evaluate how your systems are working for you, and think of your long-term maintenance plan to keep those systems in place. An organized home is definitely a journey, not a final destination.

I hope you’re on target to make 2015 your most organized year yet!

Keep neat,
